Game #18: Portal

 Release Year: 2007 

System: Switch

Date Finished: June 30th

Status: Beaten

Very neat puzzle game! It didn't hit me as hard as I may have expected given it's status, but it was still a great time. I can imagine the portals being mindblowing at the time, and even today they're super interesting and fun to mess and all the potential puzzles they bring. The presentation is fairly simple but it works. I will say though...I really wish there was some better balance between navigating the corridors of the facility and doing the test chambers. After a bit that structure in the later parts gets kinda boring with not much getting mixed up or new being introduced mechanically. And even before that, I was surprised at how few puzzle mechanics there was for the test chambers. They just milked the small handful for all they were worth and I wish there was more variety to spice things up. Beyond that though the dialogue is utterly hilarious and the story, albeit straightforward, works well enough and leaves a lot up to speculation. Good game, definitely recommend!


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